Read, Love, Eat, Play Ball

In 1973, Neil R. Beller, Jr.’s role as a story teller was officially noted, and he has been telling stories ever since.
Whether it be radio or television scripts, letters from Santa Claus or one of his four published books, Neil will find your humor button and keep pushing it. His gift for creative embellishment will leave you shaking your head but laughing out loud.

Books by Neil R. Beller, Jr.

The Dish
Stories spun from the only position player dumb enough to squat beneath strangers who swing big sticks inches from his head.

It’s Called A Turn Signal, Moron!
To all the drivers who start out pleasant, and then upon encountering an asshole, instantly lose their shit.
Latest Journal Entries
The Outer Limits Lane
This is purely a bitch session. I am not [...]
Harold and the Big Bat
Growing up a baseball fan, I always loved it [...]
Away Game
In 1991, My girlfriend and I were living in [...]
Parking Space Invader
Every Saturday morning, I drive the 45 minutes to [...]
“The Wet Spot” – an excerpt from It’s Called a Turn Signal, Moron!
Every morning I visit my local convenience store to [...]
“P.H.O.F.” – an excerpt from “The Dish”
One game was different, and they had my number. [...]